2011年12月11日 星期日

Going to Nepal (Summer 2010)

After two group meetings and hours of effort put into writing up lessons for the kids of rural Nepal, approximately twenty of us Eden Social Welfare Foundation International Volunteers started out from Taiwan, taking China Airlines to Hong Kong, where we transfered to Nepal Airlines. The Nepal Air flight was so cool! The plane was small, and there was water leaking from above the windows, and it kept dripping onto the volunteer who sat beside me. At first, we thought it'd stop in a moment, but it later got so annoying that I gave her a ball of crumpled tissue paper to stick into its source on the ceiling. Later, when I got up to go to the toilet, I saw that there was an entire row of tissue paper jammed into the indentation above the windows.(So apparently, we weren't the only ones.) Other than that, the Nepali kid who sat behind me constantly punched the back of my seat all throughout the flight (though I hadn't minded becuase I thought it was just some kindergartener). Towards the end of the six hour flight, we started a conversation with the Nepalis sitting behind us by chance. I learned that the "kindergartener" who had been punching at my chair was a karate student from Kathmandu, and he had went to Hong Kong to participate in a karate championship (though unfortunately, he hadn't made it). He was fourteen years old. Anyways, I was really glad to have met new friends during the flight. . . and I was so excited about going to Nepal.

